Essential Oils & Absolutes

***** Note:
Please be aware that these are not "fragrance oils", but instead are undiluted natural essential oils and absolutes.
They are often quite strong in scent, and to evaluate their true character, they should be diluted to 10% (sometimes even 1%). This can be done by taking 10 drops of the oil and adding 90 drops of carrier for a 10% blend.  

To help with explorations for beginners, I have indicated the fragrance categorizations (base/heart/head) as well as fragrance descriptions. These are approximations based on our experience at The Perfumer's Apprentice, and are not meant to be definitive. Also, we have included CAS #'s on applicable oils, so customers can reference them for safety handling.

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  • Ajowan

    Ajowan - India

    Ajowan Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Trachyspermum ammi

    Fragrance Family: Herbal

    Odor Description: Herbal/fresh, almost green-cumin scent similar to red thyme

    CAS # 8001-99-8

  • Allspice

    Allspice (Pimento Berry) - Jamaica

    Allspice Berry Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Pimenta officinalis

    Fragrance Family: Spicy

    Odor Description: Sweet, Spicy, Clove, Warm

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 0.80
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.16

    CAS # 8006-77-7

    FEMA # 2018

  • Amyris Wood (Haiti)

    Amyris Wood (Haiti)

    Fragrance Family: Wood

    Odor Description: Woody, Sweet Heart that ultimately develops to become a bottom note with a slightly smoky facet

    CAS # 90320-49-3

  • Anise Myrtle Oil

    Anise Myrtle Oil

    Anise Myrtle essential Oil
    Syzygium anisatum
    Botanical Family: Myrtaceae

    Odor Description: Herbal, fruity, spicy, fresh, floral , allspice, camphoreous

    CAS # 8008‐46‐6

  • Anise Star

    Anise Star

    Anise Star Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Illicium verum

    Fragrance Family: Spicy

    Odor Description: sweet, licorice, anise

    Use Level: Can use up to 10% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS # 68952-43-2
    FEMA # 2096

  • Balsam Fir Needle **

    Balsam Fir Needle **

    Balsam Fir Needle Essential oil

    Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.

    Odor Description: Woody, Sweet, Balsamic

    CAS # 8024-15-5

  • Barley Roasted Extract 40% ETH (Biolandes) **

    Barley Roasted Extract 40% ETH (Biolandes) **

    Barley Roasted Extract 40% Ethanol (Natural)

    Odor Description: Roasted cereal, caramel, phenolic

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    40% Barley Roasted Extract - CAS # 85251-64-5
    60% Ethanol (Natural) - CAS # 64-17-5

  • Basil Holy

    Basil Holy (Tulsi) - India


    Basil (Holy) Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Ocimum sanctum

    Fragrance Family:Herbal
    Odor Description: Sweet, Herbal, Tarragon, Clove-like with Balsamic and Woody undertones
    CAS # 91845-35-1

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 1.05
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.21
  • Basil Sweet

    Basil Sweet - Vietnam

    Basil (Sweet) Essential Oil
    Botanical Name
    : Ocimum basilicum

    Fragrance Family: Herbal

    Odor Description: Anise, Herbal, Tarragon, Green, Spicy

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 1.05
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.21

    CAS # 8015-73-4

    FEMA # 2119

  • Bay West Indies

    Bay Leaf - India **


    Bay Leaf Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Pimenta racemosa

    Fragrance Family: Spicy
    Odor Description: Sweet, Spicy, Clove, Warm

    CAS # 8006-78-8
    FEMA # 2122

  • Beeswax Absolute (Robertet)

    Beeswax Absolute (Robertet)

    Specialty product from ROBERTET
    Beeswax Absolute aka apis mellifera l. absolute

    Odor Description: Ambery, Vanillic, Honey, Nuts, Yellow fruits, Dried fruits with a Chocolate facet

    CAS #: 8012-89-3

  • Benzoin (Styrax tonkinensis) 50% Alc **

    Benzoin (Styrax tonkinensis) 50% Alc **

    Benzoin Absolute tinctured to 50% in Ethyl Alcohol

    Fragrance Family: Balsamic
    Odor Description: Sweet, balsamic, woody, amber

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    50% Benzoin - CAS # 9000-05-9
    50% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS # 64-17-5

    FEMA #: (Mixture)
    50% Benzoin - FEMA #: 2133
    50% Ethyl Alcohol - FEMA # 2419

  • Benzoin (Thailand) J.Steele

    Benzoin Resin (Pure)

    Benzoin Resin (India)

    Styrax tonkenensis

    This product is in solid form, similar to the consistency of sharp rocks.

    Benzoin resin is obtained from the bark of several species of trees in the genus Styrax. Benzoin is a common ingredient in incense-making and perfumery because of its sweet vanilla-like aroma and fixative properties.

    CAS # 9000-05-9

  • Benzoin Resinoid (Sumatra)

    Benzoin Resinoid (Sumatra)

    Benzoin Resinoid from Sumatra
    Botanical Name: Styrax benzoin Dryand

    Fragrance Family: Balsamic
    Odor Description: Sweet, spicy, vanilla, balsam, resinous

    CAS # 9000-05-09

  • Benzoin Siam Resin 50% BB **

    Benzoin Siam Resin 50% BB **

    Benzoin Siam Resin 50% BB

    Styrax tonkinensis

    This mixture is a viscous semi-solid blend; it will melt with a little heat.

    Fragrance Family: Balsamic
    Odor Description: Sweet, vanilla, balsam, woody, powdery

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    50% Benzoin Siam Resin - CAS # 9000-72-0
    50% Benzyl Benzoate - CAS #: 120-51-4

  • Bergamot

    Bergamot - Essential Oil (BF) - Calabria, IT **

    100% Pure & Natural Bergamot Essential Oil from the Condofuri (Reggio Calabria) Italy

    Odor Description: Fresh, fruity -sweet citrus with a slightly balsamic undertone

    CAS # 68648-33-9

    FEMA # 2153


  • Bergamot Mint

    Bergamot Mint

    Bergamot Mint Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Minty
    Odor Description: Sweet, fresh, clary, lavender, bergamot

    CAS # 68917-15-7

  • Birch Tar (Rectified) **

    Birch Tar (Rectified) **

    Birch Tar (Rectified)

    Fragrance Family: Smokey
    Odor Description: Smokey, leathery, phenolic, burnt wood

    CAS #: 8001-88-5

  • Birch Tar (Rectified) @ 10% BB **

    Birch Tar (Rectified) @ 10% BB **

    Birch Tar (Rectified) 10% Benzyl Benzoate (Natural)
    Botanical Name: Betula pendula R.

    Fragrance Family: Smokey
    Odor Description: Smokey, leathery, phenolic, burnt wood

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    10% Birch Tar - CAS # 8001-88-5
    90% Benzyl Benzoate (Natural) - CAS # 120-51-4

  • Black Hemlock (Absolute)

    Black Hemlock (Absolute)

    Black Hemlock Absolute

    Appearance: Green to dark green syrup-like.
    Odor Description:Sweet Balsam like, typical to black spruce with accents of blackcurrant, powerful, smoky, and leather

    CAS #:8008-80-8

  • Black Pepper Madagascar

    Black Pepper-India **

    Spicy, woody, warm, herbaceous

    CAS # 8006-82-4

  • Black Tea - Natural (Colorless)

    Black Tea - Natural (Colorless)

    This proprietary natural blend from ROBERTET is a rich combination of natural ingredients that captures the warm, leathery and tobacco nuances of a rich black tea with hints of sweet gourmand notes

    CAS #: Mixture

  • Blackcurrant Absolute **

    Blackcurrant Absolute **

    Blackcurrant Absolute

    Fragrance Family: Fruit

    Odor Description:Fruity, green, blackcurrant fresh, sulfur

    CAS #: 97676-19-2

  • Blue Tansy - Morocco (Robertet) **

    Blue Tansy - Morocco (Robertet) **

    Blue Tansy (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Botanical Name:Tanacetum annuum

    Odor Description: Warm, aromatic, bitter-green, softly penetrating camphor top notes; has a warm, woody-herbaceous drydown, yet sweet herbaceous aroma

    CAS # N/A

  • Bran Absolute

    Bran Absolute

    Bran Absolute
    Botanical Name: Triticum aestivum L.

    Fragrance Family: Ambery
    Odor Description: Ambery, bran, woody, vanillia, honey

    CAS # 68916-76-7

  • Broom Absolute

    Broom Absolute

    Broom Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Botanical Name: Spartium junceum

    CAS # 129316-65-0

  • Caraway Oil - Multi Origin **

    Caraway Oil - Multi Origin **

    Caraway Oil - Multi Origin
    Carum carvi

    Odor Description: Strong, warm, sweet, spicy, fruity, woody,

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8000-42-8
    INCI: Carum carvi fruit

  • Cardamom (Guatemala) **

    Cardamom (Guatemala) **

    Unfortunately due to crop production during the 2023-2024 harvest the price of this material has increased.

    Cardamom Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Botanical Name
    Elettaria Cardamomum
    Odor Description
    Warm spicy, camphorous, medicinal, balsamic, woody
    Intended use
    Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary
    CAS #
  • Carrot Seed - Hungary

    Carrot Seed - India

    Daucus carota

    Sweet, fresh, herbal, cumin, carrot, green, spicy

    CAS # 8015-88-1
    FEMA # 2244

  • Cascarilla Bark Oil **

    Cascarilla Bark Oil **

    Cascarilla Bark Oil (100% Pure & Natural)

    Nelixia's Cascarilla bark oil comes from El Salvador and Guatemala, from renewable plantations used for windbreak in coffee plantation. Cascarilla bark essential oil comes from the bark of the Croton elutaria tree, a tropical small tree that can reach heights of up to 25 feet, also known as copalchi that is native to the Bahamas and Central America, the bark is hard, compact, pale to yellowish-brown

    Odor Profile: Fresh, Spice, Woody, Black Pepper, Sweet, Anise
    Botanical Family: Euphorbiaceae

    CAS#: 8007-06-5
    FEMA: 2555

  • Cassia

    Cassia - China

    Cinnamomum cassia

    Woody, sweet, cinnamon, spicy

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 0.25
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.05
    CAS # 8007-80-5
  • Cassie Absolute (Egyptian)

    Cassie Absolute (Egyptian)

    Cassie Absolute (Egyptian)

    Fragrance Family: Floral
    Odor Description: Fresh, sweet, spicy clove, violet, green, weedy, woody

    CAS # 8023-82-3

  • Castoreum Absolute

    Castoreum Absolute

    Castoreum Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Botanical Name: Castor spp
    Botanical Family: Castoridae

    Odor Description: Animal, ink, leathery, phenolic

    CAS # 8023-83-4

  • Castoreum Blend (Natural) **

    Castoreum Blend (Natural) **

    Castoreum Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) @ 50% in Natural Grain Ethyl Alcohol

    Odor Description: Animal, ink, leathery, phenolic

    CAS# Mixture:

    50% Castoreum - CAS# 8023-83-4

    50% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS# 64-17-5

  • Cedar Leaf (Red) Western **

    Cedar Leaf (Red) Western **

    Western Red Cedar Leaf Essential Oil
    Thuja plicata

    This Western Red Cedar Leaf Essential Oil from Cedarome in Canada is a wildcrafted 100% Pure & Natural Essential Oil extracted via steam distillation. Its aroma is clean and camphorous with nuances of fresh green.

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy

    CAS: 68917-35-1

  • Cedarwood (Alaska)

    Cedarwood (Alaska)

    Out of Stock

    CAS #
    Fragrance Family
  • Cedarwood (China) **

    Cedarwood (China) **

    Out of Stock

    Product is currently unavailable, and we're working to source it from an alternative vendor (updated March 8, 2022). We'll update here as more information becomes available.

    Cedarwood (China) Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Woody
    Odor Description: Cedar, woody, burnt, musty

    CAS # 85085-29-6

  • Cedarwood (Texas) **

    Cedarwood (Texas) **

    Cedarwood Essential Oil from Texas

    Juniperus mexicana

    Sweet and Woody - Base Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 68990-83-0

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Cedarwood Atlas Oil P&N **

    Out of Stock

    Cedarwood Atlas Essential Oil from Morocco (100% Pure & Natural)
    Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carriere

    Sweet and Woody - Base Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8023-85-6

  • Cedar Wood Virginia

    Cedarwood Virginia **

    Cedar, woody, oily, balsam

    CAS # 8000-27-9

  • Cedrat Heart (Natural) **

    Cedrat Heart (Natural) **

    Cedrat Heart (Natural) from Robertet
    Citrus Spp
    Botanical family: Rutaceae

    Odor Description: The zesty mouthwatering note enhances freshness, strength and bitterness. The effect is very long-lasting

    CAS: 94266-47-4

  • Celery Seed - India

    Celery Seed - India **

    Apium graveolens

    Fresh, herbal, woody

    Can use up to 4% in fragrance concentrate

    CAS # 8015-90-5
    FEMA # 2271


  • Chamomile (Roman) **

    Chamomile (Roman) **

    Chamomile Essential Oil (Italy)
    Botanical Name: Anthemis nobilis

    Fragrance Family: Herbal
    Odor Description: Fruity, Aromatic, Warm Herbaceous

    Use Level: 1% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS # 8015-92-7

  • Choya Loban

    Choya Loban

    Choya Loban from India

    Appearance: Deep Brown-Black liquid
    Odor Description: Smokey, sweet resinous, woody-balsamic undertone

    Manufacturer: Sundari Aromata

    CAS # Mixture
    Botanical Name: Boswellia Serrata

  • Choya Nakh

    Choya Nakh

    Choya Nakh from India

    Appearance: Brown to Dark Brown liquid
    Odor Description: Smokey, oceanic, dry-mossy, woody & sweet ambery undertone

    Manufacturer: Sundari Aromata

    CAS # Mixture
    Botanical Name: Onycha Seashells/Santalum Album

  • Choya Raal

    Choya Raal

    Choya Raal from India

    Appearance: Dark Brown-Black liquid
    Odor Description: Smokey-leathery, deep-dry-woody, sweet resinous aroma with soft amber undertone

    Manufacturer: Sundari Aromata

    CAS # Mixture
    Botanical Name: Shorea Robusta

  • Cinnamon Bark **

    Cinnamon Bark **

    Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Cinnamomum Verum (Zeylanicum)

    Sweet cinnamon with spicy, warm, woody notes - Middle to Base Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Alimentary

    CAS: 8015-91-6
  • Cinnamon Leaf

    Cinnamon Leaf

    Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil from Sri Lanka (100% Pure & Natural)

    Cinnamomum Verum (Zeylanicum)

    Dry Spice and Musk charactaristics

    Intended for use in: Aromatherapy, Perfumery, Alimentary

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 3.55
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.71

    CAS: 8015-91-6

  • Cistus Oil **

    Cistus Oil **


    Cistus Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Balsamic
    Odor Description: Woody, honey, amber, leathery, terpenic

    CAS # 8016-26-0

  • Clary Sage  (Hungary)

    Clary Sage (France)

    Clary Sage Essential Oil, France (100% Pure & Natural)
    Salvia sclarea L.

    Botanical family : Lamiaceae

    Herbaceous, Amber finish - Top to Middle Note

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS TSCA: 8016-63-5
    INCI: Salvia sclarea oil

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Clary Sage Oil, Russian P&N **

    Out of Stock

    Discontinued by Manufacturer due to Country of Origin.

    Clary Sage Essential Oil, Russia (100% Pure & Natural)

    Salvia sclarea L.

    Botanical family: Lamiaceae

    Herbaceous, Amber finish - Top to Middle Note

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8016-63-5

  • Clementine

    Clementine - Italy **

    Clementine Essential Oil, 100% Pure & Natural - Italy
    Botanical Name: Citrus clementine, Hort.

    Fragrance Family:
    Odor Description: Fruity, sweet tropical note of clementine

    CAS # 8008-31-9
    FEMA # 2657

  • Clove Bud Indonesia

    Clove Bud Indonesia

    Eugenia caryophyllata

    Warm, clove, sweet, fruity, woody

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 3.40
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.68

    CAS # 8000-34-8

  • Clove Bud Indonesia

    Clove Stem Madagascar

    Warm, clove, sweet, fruity, woody

    CAS # 8000-34-8

  • Cocoa Colorless DM

    Cocoa Colorless DM

    Cocoa Colorless DM (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet

    Botanical Name: Theobroma cacao

    Odor Description: Gourmand, powerful, cocoa powder effect

    CAS # Mixture
    Cocoa Butter: 8002-31-1
    Triethyl Citrate Natural: 77-93-0

  • Cognac (Green) - Romania

    Cognac (Green) - Romania

    Cognac green Essential oil Romania (100% Pure & Natural)

    Vitis vinifera L.
    Botanical family : Vitaceae

    Cognac (Brancy), syrupy notes with dry, butyric facets - Middle Note

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8016-21-5

  • Copaiba Balsam Brazil

    Copaiba Balsam Brazil

    Odor Description: Warm, Balsam, Spicy, Peppery.
    CAS # 8001-61-4

  • Coriander Seed Russia

    Coriander Seed Russia **

    Sweet spicy herbal floral linalool

    Can use up to 10% in the fragrance concentrate

    Up to 50.0000 ppm in the flavor.

    CAS #: 8008-52-4

    FEMA #: 2334

    Taste description: At 50.00 ppm. Sweet, fresh herbal, spicy, terpy and cilantro like

    Mosciano, Gerard P&F 16, No. 6, 43, (1991)

    For flavors, try using this material diluted to 1%

  • Cypress (Blue)

    Cypress (Blue)

    Cypress (Blue) Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Callitris Intractopica

    Distinguished by its blue color, this essential oil is know for its fresh and woodsy characteristics.

    Intended for use in: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS: 187348-13-6

  • Cypress France

    Cypress (Spain) **

    Cypress Essential Oil (Spain)
    Botanical Name: Cupressus Sempervirens
    Fresh pine woody earthy olibanum dry spicy cedar

    Odor Description: Smoky, sweet-balsamic tenacious odor.

    CAS #: 8013-86-3

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Cypress Oil (Spain) P&N **

    Cypress Essential Oil - Spain (100% Pure & Natural)
    Cupressus sempervirens L.
    Botanical family: Cupressaceae

    Woody, Resinous

    Intended for Use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8013-86-3

  • Cypriol


    Cypriol Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Woody
    Odor Description: Woody, earthy, dry, spicy, patchouli, vetiver

    CAS # 68916-60-9

  • Cypriol Heart (Natural)

    Cypriol Heart (Natural)

    Cypriol Heart Essential Oil - Rectified from ROBERTET

    Cypriol Heart is a rectified essential oil. The first distillation is fractionated, preserving the 'heart' of the essence. This rectification is a modern day representation of the 'Papyrus' ingredient found in ancient perfume formulas

    CAS#: 68916-60-9

  • Davana (India)

    Davana (India)

    Davana Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Artemisia pallens Wall.

    Fragrance Family: Fruity
    Odor Description: Fruity, berry, black currant, tropical fruit, dried fruit, woody, slight camphoraceous

    CAS #: 8016-03-03

  • Dill Seed Bulgaria

    Dill Seed (Hungary)

    Out of Stock

    Product has been discontinued as of May 3, 2021.

    Light fresh warm spicy caraway
    Can use up to 4% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS# 8006-75-5

  • Elemi Philippines

    Elemi (Philippines) **

    fresh lemony peppery balsam green woody sweet spicy
    can use up to 3% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS# 8023-89-0

  • Erigeron Essential Oil

    Erigeron Essential Oil

    Erigeron Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Spicy
    Odor Description: Sweet, fresh, spicy, herbal, basil, wine, licorice

    CAS # 8007-27-0

  • Eucalyptus (menthol)

    Eucalyptus (menthol) **

    Slightly water soluble - very strong.

    Natural essential oil. -Eucalyptus globulus
    CAS # 8000-48-4
    FEMA # 2466

  • Eucalyptus Blue Mallee **

    Eucalyptus Blue Mallee **

    Eucalyptus (Blue Mallee) Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)

    Eucalyptus polybractea

    This Eucalyptus has a distinct profile. It shares the common fresh and cooling qualities that one would expect from eucalyptus, but with sweet and camphorous characteristics

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic

    CAS: 91771-67-4

  • Fennel - Sweet - Turkey

    Fennel - Sweet - Austria **

    Odor Description: Very sweet, intense anise/licorice-like, slightly camphoraceous and somewhat citrus-like,
    with earthy, peppery undertones

    CAS#: 8006-84-6

  • Fir Balsam (Absolute)

    Fir Balsam (Absolute)

    Fir Balsam (Absolute)
    Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.

    Plant Source: Canada
    Manufacturer: Cedarome Canada, Inc

    CAS: 8007-47-4

  • Fragonia **

    Fragonia **

    Fragonia Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)

    Agonis Fragrans

    Fragonia is a small shrub which is native to Western Australia along the southern coastline. The aroma of this essential oil is most similar to that of a tea tree essential oil, but with a more floral element and less menthol.

    Intended Use: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    This product can not ship by USPS due to its status as a potential marine pollutant

    CAS: 934621-96-2

  • Frankincense (Black) **

    Frankincense (Black) **

    Black Frankincense Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Boswellia neglecta

    Odor Profile: Warm, resinous, coniferous, with incense undertones and a top note of orange.

    Intended for use in: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS#: 8050-07-5

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Frankincense (Olibanum) - Somalia **

    Specialty product from ROBERTET

    Olibanum Essential Oil, also known as Frankincense Essential Oil, has a fresh woody odor

    CAS: 8016-36-2

  • Galbanum Turkey

    Galbanum Oil P&N - AV (Turkey) **

    Galbanum Essential Oil

    Ferula gummosa Boiss.

    green woody fresh earthy rooty balsam
    can use up to 1% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8023-91-4
    FEMA#: 2501

  • Galbanum Resinoid **

    Galbanum Resinoid **

    Galbanum Resinoid from France

    Ferula galbaniflua
    Botanical Family Umbelliferae

    CAS # 8023-91-4
    INCI: Ferula Galbaniflua (Galbanum) Gum Extract

  • Geranium Bourbon Oil (Natural) **

    Geranium Bourbon Oil (Natural) **

    Geranium Bourbon Oil (Natural)

    Fragrance Family: Floral
    Odor Description: Floral, green, spicy, red rose, dill, powdery, fatty

    CAS #: (Mixture)

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Geranium Oil, Egypt P&N

    Geranium Essential oil Egypt
    Pelargonium spp.
    Botanical family: Geraniaceae

    Odor Description: Rosy, Citronella & Mint

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8000-46-2

  • Ginger (CO2 Extract) **

    Ginger (CO2 Extract) **

    Ginger CO2 Extract from Robertet

    Fragrance Family: Spicy
    Odor Description: Spicy, terpenic, citral, fresh, warm

    CAS # 8007-08-07
    INCI: Zingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root Extract

  • Ginger Fresh Madagascar

    Ginger Fresh Madagascar **

    Spicy ginger citrus, like fresh root.

    Suggested use: up to 8% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS# 8007-08-7

  • Grapefruit (Red) - USA **

    Grapefruit (Red) - USA **

    A very sweet, fresh, juicy tangy grapefruit ingredient that is used primarily in fruit accords, gourmand and chypre perfumes, or nuanced in green/floral blends.

    CAS # 8016-20-4

    FEMA # 2530

  • White Grapefruit

    Grapefruit (White) FCC - USA **

    White Grapefruit Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Citrus paradisi

    Organoleptics: Dry, sweet citrus, grapefruit
    Recommended use: Up to 8% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8016-20-4
    FEMA#: 2530

  • Grapefruit Pink

    Grapefruit Pink **

    Head/Top Note

    Citrus paradisi

    Country of Origin: Multiple Countries

    Odor Description: Sweet dry citrus grapefruit

    Suggested use: Up to 8% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS# 8016-20-4
    FEMA# 2530

  • Green Mandarin Oil **

    Green Mandarin Oil **

    Fragrance Family: Citrus

    Odor Description: Sweet, citrus-mandarin, sharp, fresh

    CAS # 8008-31-9

  • Grey Pine **

    Grey Pine **

    Grey Pine Essential Oil

    Odor Description: Woody, fresh, sugary

    CAS #8002-09-03

  • Guaiacwood

    Guaiacwood (Multi-Origin)

    Guaiacwood Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Woody
    Odor Description: Sweet, dry, woody, spicy, powdery, balsamic

    Botanical Name: Bulnesia Sarmienti
    Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
    Country of Origin: Multi-Origin

    CAS #: 8016-23-7
    FEMA # 2534
    INCI Name: Bulnesia Sarmienti

  • Gurjun Balsam

    Gurjun Balsam

    Gurjun Balsam Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    dipterocarpus turbinatus balsam oil
    Botanical family : Dipterocarpaceae

    balsamic spicy woody guaiacwood patchouli copaiba pine animal

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic

    CAS: 8030-55-5

  • Hemlock **

    Hemlock **

  • Ho Leaf (Ravintsara) - Madagascar **

    Ho Leaf (Ravintsara) - Madagascar **

    Ho Leaf (Ravintsara) Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural) from Madagascar
    Cinnamomum camphora (L.) J.Presl

    Odor Profile: Eucalyptus, green, sweet-spicy, fresh

    Intended for use in: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS#: 8008-51-3

  • Ho Wood (Essential Oil) P&N

    Ho Wood (Essential Oil) P&N

    Ho Wood Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Cinnamomum camphora linalooliferum

    Odor Description Woody, sweet, floral, sharp

    CAS: 8022-91-1
    INCI: Cinnamomum Camphora (Camphor) Wood Oill

  • Honeybush CO2 Extract **

    Honeybush CO2 Extract **

    Honeybush CO2 Extract

    Odor Description: Sweet, honey, tea, violet, honeybush

    CAS #Mixture

  • Hydrocarboresine (Natural) (Biolandes)

    Hydrocarboresine (Natural) (Biolandes)


    Fragrance Family: Leather & Smoke

    Odor Description: Ciste-labdanum, Amber, Leather, Smoke

    CAS # 8016-26-0

  • Hyraceum Absolute 60% DIPG (Firmenich)

    Hyraceum Absolute 60% DIPG (Firmenich)

    Out of Stock

    DISCONTINUED by Firmenich

    Firmenich Specialty: Hyraceum Absolute (40% hyraceum absolute / 60% solvent DIPG/DPG (dipropylene glycol))
    Fragrance Family:

    Odor Description: Animalic (strong), deeply complex, combines with various facets of Musk, Castoreum, Civet, Tobacco and Agarwood/Oud, and often used in Oud reconstitutions.

    CAS # (Mixture)

    Hyraceum Absolute @ 40% (Natural): CAS# 1005328-84-6

    DPG (Dipropylene Glycol) @60% (Synthetic): CAS# 25265-71-8

  • Hyssop

    Hyssop Oil P&N **

    Out of Stock

    Hyssop Essential oil from Bulgaria (100% Pure & Natural)
    Hyssopus officinalis fo. officinalis
    Botanical family: Lamiaceae

    Herbaceous with a camphor character - Top to Middle Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8006-83-5
  • Immortelle **

    Immortelle **

    Immortelle Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)

    Helichrysum Italicum

    CAS # 8023-95-8

    Warm, hay-like, sweet caramel, tobacco leaf, honey, with green phenolic nuances - Middle Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    This product can not ship by USPS due to its status as a potential marine pollutant

  • Jasmine Grandiflorum (Absolute)

    Jasmine Grandiflorum (Absolute)

    Jasmin Grandiflorum Absolute
    Jasminum grandiflorum (L.)

    Intended Use: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    Jasminum grandiflorum absolute is intensely floral, tenacious, very sweet with a deep richness and a somewhat musky and coumarin-like undertone

    CAS #: 8022-96-6

  • Jasmine Sambac (Absolute)

    Jasmine Sambac (Absolute)

    Jasmin Sambac Absolute

    Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton

    Intended Use: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    Jasminum Sambac absolute is sweet, fruity/floral and green with a rich honey/tea undertone, turning sweeter in the drydown

    CAS #: 91770-14-8
    INCI: Jasminum sambac flower extract

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Juniper Berry EO (Bulgaria) **

    Juniper Berries Essential Oil (Bulgarian) from ROBERTET
    Juniperus communis L.
    Botanical family : Cupressaceae

    fresh, woody-sweet - Top to Middle Note

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8002-68-4

  • Juniper Berry France

    Juniper Berry EO (Hungary)**

    Out of Stock

    Steam distilled essential oil from Hungary.

    Juniperus communis

    Spicy woody terpene warm fresh balsam terpene woody carrot fir peppery.

    Suggested for use at up to 8% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS# 8002-68-4

  • Kunzea


    Kunzea Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Kunzea Ambigua

    This Australian shrub is found in the cooler southern parts of Australia such as Victoria, Tasmania, and New South Wales. The aroma of this essential oil is often described as fresh, herbal and agrestic with hints of spice.

    Intended Use: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS: 97553-36-1

  • Labdanum 50%

    Labdanum Absolute (50%) **

    Labdanum Absolute from Robertet 50% in Ethyl Alcohol
    Fragrance Family
    Odor Description
    Ambery, Vanillic, Woody, Leather
    CAS #(Mixture)
    8016-26-0 (50%)
    64-17-5 (50%)
  • Labdanum Clear Absolute P&N

    Labdanum Clear Absolute P&N

    Labdanum Clear Absolute - Spain (100% Pure & Natural)
    Cistus ladaniferus L. var. beta maculata Dun.

    Botanical Family: Cistaceae

    CAS TSCA: 8016-26-0
    INCI: Cistus ladaniferus leaf/stem extract

  • Labdanum Resinoid 50% TEC **

    Labdanum Resinoid 50% TEC **

    Labdanum Resinoid 50% Triethyl Citrate (Natural)

    This is a material purchased from John D Walsh Co. Called 'Labdanum Resinoid' and is being manufactured by SAS MATIÈRES PREMIÈRES ESSENTIELLES (MPE) in a 50% dilution in DPG. We then further dilute it by an additional 50% in Triethyl Citrate (TEC) which results in 25% Labdanum resinoid and 75% diluent. Because MPE is diluting this material in DPG, this material is NOT 100% Natural, as DPG is a synthetic carrier.

    Odor Description: Sweet, dry, old wood, amber

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    25% Labdanum Resinoid - CAS # 8016-26-0
    75% Triethyl Citrate (TEC) Natural - CAS # 77-93-0 & Dipropylene Glycol (DPG) - CAS # 25265-71-8

  • Laurel Leaf - Turkey

    Laurel Leaf - Montenegro **

    Laurus nobilis
    fresh sweet spicy medicinal woody aromatic terpenic camphoreous eucalyptus cinnamyl

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 1.05
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.21

    CAS# 8007-48-5
    FEMA# 2125
  • Lavandin Absolute (Biolandes)

    Lavandin Absolute (Biolandes)

    Lavandin Absolute, France
    Lavandula Hybrida Extract

    Odor Description: Agrestic family, Hay, Lavandin, Straw
    Intended Use: Perfumery Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS TSCA: 8022-15-9

  • Lavandin Grosso (France)

    Lavandin Grosso (France)

    Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil, France (100% Pure & Natural)
    Lavandula hybrida Grosso

    Lavandin Grosso is a hybrid lavender crossed between true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). The hybridization results in Lavandin Grosso imparting the characteristics of both spike and true lavender. The scent profile of Lavandin Grosso essential oil is agrestic, floral, and camphoraceous

    CAS: 8022-15-9

  • Lavender (Diva) - France

    Lavender (Diva) - France

    Lavender DIVA Essential Oil, France (100% Pure & Natural)
    Lavandula angustifolia var. Diva

    Botanical family: Lamiaceae

    This Lavender Essential Oil differs from standard Lavandula angustifolia in its softness. It is less complex, and more linear in scent. The odor as a whole is more sweet, and less herbacious.

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8000-28-0

  • Lavender Absolute

    Lavender Absolute

    Specialty product from ROBERTET
    IFRA Compliant Lavender Absolute

    Fragrance Family: Green
    Odor Description: Aromatic, floral, green, fresh

    CAS #: 8000-28-0

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Lavender Fleurs (France) **

    This product by ROBERTET is an extraction of just the flowers of the lavender plant without the stems. This product captures the soothing and pure essence of the lavender flower unlike many others that smell too green.

    CAS: N/A

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Lavender Maillette, France P&N

    Lavender Maillette Essential Oil, France (100% Pure & Natural)
    Lavandula angustifolia Mill.
    Botanical family: Lamiaceae

    This Lavender is distinguishable in smell by its characteristic of sweetness, largely contributed by this plant's higher levels of Linalyl Acetate

    Intended Use: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8000-28-0

  • Lemon - Spain

    Lemon - California **

    Spicy woody terpene warm fresh citrus lemon aldehydic.
    Suggested for use at up to 10% in the fragrance concentrate for best olfactory representation.

    CAS# 8008-56-8

  • Lemon - Cold Pressed (Argentina) **

    Lemon - Cold Pressed (Argentina) **

    Lemon (citrus limon) Essential Oil from the Argentina - Cold Pressed

    Odor Description: Bright, Juicy, Clean, Sharp, Zesty Citrus aroma

    CAS # 8008-56-8

    FEMA # 2625

  • Lemon - Sfumatrice (Italy) **

    Lemon - Sfumatrice (Italy) **

    Lemon (citrus limon) Essential Oil from the Condofuri (Reggio Calabria) Italy extracted via Molecular Distillation called 'Sfumatrice.'

    Odor Description: Clean, Sharp, Zesty Citrus aroma

    CAS # 8008-56-8

    FEMA # 2625

  • Lemongrass

    Lemongrass Oil P&N **

    Lemongrass Essential oil from Guatemala (100% Pure & Natural)
    Cymbopogon flexuosus (Nees ex Steud.) Stapf
    Botanical family : Poaceae

    Herbaceous and Citral like - Top to Middle Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8007-02-1

  • Liatrix Absolute (Substitute) Natural **

    Liatrix Absolute (Substitute) Natural **

    This product is a 100% Natural Substitute for Liatrix Absolute

    Odor Description: Spicy, sweet, coumarin, herbal, tobacco.

    CAS#: 68606-82-6

  • Lime

    Lime (Mexico) Distilled **

    head/top note 

    Distilled Lime Essential Oil from Mexico (Bergaptene Free)

    Fresh strong sweet fresh coumarin lime sweet

    Can use up to 15% in the fragrance concentrate

  • Litsea cubeba

    Litsea (May Chang) - China **

    Botanical Name Litsea cubeba

    Odor Description: Fresh strong sweet sweet fresh lemon citral green grassy

    CAS#: 68855-99-2

  • Magnolia flowers – organic (China) J.Steele

    Magnolia Flower (China) **

    Magnolia Flower (Michelia alba)
    Fragrance Family
    Odor Description
    Cool, Green, Melon, Floral
    CAS #
  • Mandarin (Yellow) **

    Mandarin (Yellow) **

    Mandarin (Yellow)

    Fragrance Family: Citrus
    Odor Description: Citrus, floral, mandarin, orange

    CAS # 8008-31-9
    FEMA # 2657

  • Mandarin Red - EO (Italy) **

    Mandarin Red - EO (Italy) **

    Red Mandarin (Citrus Nobilis) Peel Oil - Cold Pressed - Essential Oil from Italy

    Botanical Name: Citrus Reticulata

    Odor Description: Fresh, Citrus, Sweet, Mandarin fruit odor

    CAS # 8008-31-9

    FEMA # 2657

  • Marjoram Wild Spain

    Marjoram Wild Spain **

    Thymus mastichina
    Fresh, strong, sweet, spicy, eucalyptus, camphor
    can use up to 6% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS# 8016-33-9

  • Mate (Absolute) **

    Mate (Absolute) **

    Maté - Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Botanical Name: Ilex paraguariensis (st. hil.)

    Odor Description: Tobacco, Tea, Hay

    CAS # Mixture
    Mate Absolute: 68916-96-1
    Propylene glycol: 57-55-6
    Ethanol: 64-17-5

  • Milfoil ~ Yarrow-green Bulgaria

    Milfoil/Yarrow - Dark Blue (Hungary) **

    fresh strong herbal

    CAS#: 8022-07-9

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Myrrh Oil, Somalia P&N

    Myrrh Essential oil from Somalia (100% Pure & Natural)
    Commiphora myrrha (T. Nees) Engl
    Botanical family : Burseraceae

    Woody, Humic - Base Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8016-37-3

  • Myrtle - Linalool Type - Morocco

    Myrtle - Linalool Type (Turkey) **

    Out of Stock

    fresh strong sweet fresh fruity camphor floral herbal
    can use up to 1% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8008-46-6

  • Myrtle Lemon (Australia)

    Myrtle Lemon (Australia)

    Myrtle Lemon Essential Oil (100% Pure and Natural)
    Backhousia citriodora

    Odor Description: Citrus, sweet, fresh, lemon, tart

    CAS: 84775‐80‐4

  • Neroli - Tunisia (P&N) **

    Neroli - Tunisia (P&N) **

    Neroli Essential Oil from Tunisia
    Citrus aurantium var. amara L.

    White floral aroma that is intense, fresh, uplifting, sweet and voluptuous. Neroli from Tunsia has a green and rather unusual, fruity, jam like back notes and unmistakable indole nuances
    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8016-38-4

  • Neroli (Multi-origin) **

    Neroli (Multi-origin) **

    Neroli Essential Oil (Multi-Origin)

    Intense white floral aroma, fresh, uplifting, sweet and voluptuous.
    CAS: Mixture

  • Niaouli

    Niaouli Cineole Type (Multi-Origin) **

    Niaouli Cineole Type (Multi-Origin)

    Botanical Name
    Melaleuca quinquenervia cineolifera
    Fragrance Family
    Herbal - Agrestic - Mint
    Odor Description
    Sweet, Fresh, Camphorous odor
    CAS #
  • Nutmeg India

    Nutmeg India **

    Myristica fragrans

    Sweet, woody, nutmeg, spicy with a slight terpy nuance

    CAS#: 8008-45-5
    FEMA#: 2793

  • Oakmoss Absolute 10%

    Oakmoss Absolute 10% **

    Made using specialty IFRA Compliant Oakmoss Absolute from ROBERTET (Not Natural)
    *Please note: The moss in this product is naturally occurring, but the process by which the moss is extracted is not considered "natural"

    Odor Description: Smoky, mossy

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    10% Oakmoss Absolute - CAS # 68917-10-2
    90% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS #: 64-17-5

  • Oakwood Absolute 50% TEC

    Oakwood Absolute 50% TEC

    Oakwood Absolute 50% Triethyl Citrate (Natural)

    Odor Description: Woody, fruity, balsamic, lichen

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    50% Oakwood Absolute - CAS # 97676-30-7
    50% Triethy Citrate (Natural) - CAS # 77-93-0

  • Oakwood CO2 Extract **

    Oakwood CO2 Extract **

    Oakwood C02 Extract
    Botanical Name: Quercus robur L.

    Fragrance Family: Woody
    Odor Description: Oak, woody, sweet, balsamic

    CAS # 71011-28-4

  • Olibanum Absolute (Robertet) **

    Olibanum Absolute (Robertet) **

    Out of Stock

    Olibanum Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Botanical Name: Boswellia spp

    Odor Description: Ambery, vanillic, woody, turpentine. 

    CAS # 8016-36-2

  • Olibanum Resinoid

    Olibanum Resinoid

    Out of Stock

    Olibanum Resinoid
    Botanical Name: Boswellia Carterii

    Fragrance Family: Woody
    Odor Description: Frankincense, Woody

    CAS # 89957-98-2

  • Opopanax-Sweet Myrrh Kenya

    Opoponax (Sweet Myrrh)

    Odor Description: Sweet balsam spicy warm wine animal

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 2.25
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.45
  • Opoponax Absolute

    Opoponax Absolute

    Opoponax Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet
    Botanical Name: Commiphora erythraea

    Odor Description: Animalic, balsamic, woody

    CAS # 8021-36-1

  • Orange Bitter

    Orange Bitter - Italy **


    Citrus aurantium

    Odor Description: Citrus orange dry woody cognac

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 6.25
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 1.25

    CAS#: 68916-04-1
    FEMA#: 2823
  • Orange Blook

    Orange Blood - Italy **

    Citrus sinensis

    Odor Description: Sweet orange aldehydic tangerine citrus
    can use up to 8% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8028-48-6

  • Orange Flower (Absolute) Blend **

    Orange Flower (Absolute) Blend **

    Orange Flower Absolute (Tunisia)
    Botanical Name: citrus aurantium l. var. amara

    Fragrance Family: Floral (Citrus)

    Odor Description: Orange flower, green, warm, honey, balsamic

    CAS #: 8030-28-2

  • Orange Flower (Absolute) Pure **

    Orange Flower (Absolute) Pure **

    Orange Flower Absolute (Morocco)
    Botanical Name: citrus aurantium l. var. amara

    Fragrance Family: Floral (Citrus)

    Odor Description: Orange flower, green, warm, honey, balsamic

    CAS #: 8016-38-4

  • Orange Sweet

    Orange Sweet - USA **

    orange fresh juicy sweet

    can use up to 10% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8028-48-6
    FEMA#: 2825

  • Orris Butter (15% Irones)

    Orris Butter (15% Irones)

    Orris Butter (Concrete) Essential Oil
    Botanical Name: Iris pallida

    Manufacturer: Biolandes

    Odor Profile: Delicate, sweet, warm, powdery-floral aroma reminiscent of violet flowers with mellow woody undertones; very tenacious, has excellent fixative value


  • Orris Butter Tincture (20%) ***

    Orris Butter Tincture (20%) ***

    Orris Butter (Concrete) Essential Oil Diluted to 20% in Natural Grain Alcohol
    Botanical Name: Iris pallida

    Odor Profile: Delicate, sweet, warm, powdery-floral aroma reminiscent of violet flowers with mellow woody undertones; very tenacious, has excellent fixative value

    CAS# (Mixture):
    20% Orris Butter - 8002-73-1
    80% Ethyl Alcohol - 64-17-5

  • Orris Tincture (France) - 10% Resinoid

    Orris Tincture (France) - 10% Resinoid ***


    This is the Orris Resinoid from ROBERTET that we have tinctured to 10% in Ethyl Alcohol for ease of use

    CAS # Mixture:
    10% Orris Resinoid - CAS # 8002-73-1
    90% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS # 64-17-5

  • Osmanthus Absolute (P&N)

    Osmanthus Absolute (P&N)

    Out of Stock

    Osmanthus Absolute from China (100% Pure & Natural)
    Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb.) Lour.
    Botanical family : Oleaceae

    Rich, sophisticated scent with fruity and floral - Top - Middle notes

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS TSCA : 68917-05-5

  • Oud Assafi™ (5% in TEC)

    Oud Assafi™ (5% in TEC)

    Out of Stock

    Oud Assafi™ Essential Oil from Bangladesh diluted to 5% in Triethyl Citrate

    Also known as 'Oud Assam,' is recognized as the most precious Oud in the world. This exclusive quality has been prized for centuries for its animalic, woody and spicy notes. Actually the most leathery and animalic Oud profile, OUD ASSAFI™ is elegantly woody and extremely ambery

    CAS #: Mixture

  • Oud Assafi™ (Firmenich)

    Oud Assafi™ (Firmenich)

    Out of Stock

    Oud Assafi™ Essential Oil from Bangladesh

    Also known as 'Oud Assam,' is recognized as the most precious Oud in the world. This exclusive quality has been prized for centuries for its animalic, woody and spicy notes. Actually the most leathery and animalic Oud profile, OUD ASSAFI™ is elegantly woody and extremely ambery

    CAS #: 94350-09-1

  • Palmarosa India

    Palmarosa India

    Cymbopogon martini

    Odor Description: Sweet rose grassy
    can use up to 8% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8014-19-5
    FEMA#: 2831

  • Paprika INCO 5 (Biolandes)

    Paprika INCO 5 (Biolandes)

    Paprika INCO 5 (Biolandes)

    Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) @ 5% in MPG (synthetic)

    Odor Description: Spicy, Dried tomato, hay, tea leaves, warm, bread

    Natural extract obtained exclusively from fruits of Capsicum annuum L.: 5%
    Carrier: Monopropylene glycol (synthetic) : 95%

    Appearance : colourless to light yellow liquid, may contain some particles

    CAS #: (Mixture)

  • Patchouli

    Patchouli (Dark) Indonesia **

    Odor Description: Woody balsam weedy earthy spicy

    Taste description: at 5.00 ppm.
    Woody, aromatic, camphorous, cooking and green with lime and citrus nuances.
    Mosciano, Gerard P&F 21, No. 4, 51, (1996)

    CAS#: 8014-09-3
    FEMA#: 2838

  • Patchouli Absolute

    Patchouli Absolute

    Out of Stock

    Patchouli Absolute (100% Pure & Natural) from Robertet

    Botanical Name: Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth.

    Odor Description: Sweet, woody, herbal, spicy, earthy

    CAS # 8014-09-3

  • Patchouli

    Patchouli Fractions

    Patchouli Fraction Oil from Indonesia (100% Pure and Natural)
    Pogostemon cablin

    Botanical Family: Lamiaceae

    Sweet and Woody

    CAS #: 8014-09-3
    FEMA #: 2838

  • Pepper Sichuan (CO2 Extract) **

    Pepper Sichuan (CO2 Extract) **

    Sichuan Pepper CO2 Extract from Robertet

    Fragrance Family: Spicy
    Odor Description: Spicy, rising, fresh, zesty-bergamot/mandarin, powerful, metallic, warm

    CAS # 102242-62-6
    INCI: Zanthoxylum Piperitum Peel Extract

  • Peppermint India

    Peppermint India **

    Mentha piperita

    Odor Description: Clean peppermint minty pungent

    can use up to 6% in the fragrance concentrate

    CAS#: 8006-90-4
    FEMA#: 2848

  • Peru Balsam Oil Rectified P&N **

    Peru Balsam Oil Rectified P&N **

    Peru Balsam Essential oil rectified from El Salvador (100% Pure and Natural)
    Myroxylon pereirae Klotzsch

    Botanical family: Leguminaceae

    Balsamic and Vanilla like

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8007-00-9

  • Petitgrain Mandarin (Egypt) **

    Petitgrain Mandarin (Egypt) **

    Out of Stock

    100% Pure & Natural Petitgrain Mandarin Essential Oil from Egypt

    Appearance: Pale yellow to greenish yellow
    Odor Description: Fruity, spicy, citrus

    CAS # 8014-17-3

  • Petitgrain Paraguay

    Petitgrain Paraguay **

    Citrus aurantium var. amara

    Odor Description: Sweet floral clary stemmy neroli citrus

    CAS#: 8014-17-3
    FEMA#: 2855

  • Scotch Pine

    Pine Needle (Hungary) **

    This Pine Needle Essential Oil is from Hungary.
    Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris L.

    Odor Description: Crisp, fresh, sweet, pine, herbaceous odor

    CAS# 023-99-2

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Pink Peppercorn Oil P&N **

    Out of Stock


    Pink Peppercorn Essential oil from Peru (100% Pure and Natural)

    Botanical Name: Schinus molle L.
    Botanical Family: Anacardiaceae

    Odor Description: Spicy and Peppery

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 68917-52-2

  • Red Pine **

    Red Pine **

    Red Pine essential oil
    Pinus resinosa

    Scent Description: Freshly balsamic, richly resinous, pungently woody
    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy

  • Rose - Absolute (Blend)

    Rose - Absolute (Blend)

    Rose Absolute (Moroccan & Bulgarian)

    Rosa x centifolia L. + Rosa damascena

    Botanical family : Rosaceae

    Floral and Rosy - Top to Middle Note

    CAS TSCA : 84604-12-6, 8007-01-0

  • Rose Geranium (South Africa) **

    Rose Geranium (South Africa) **

    Rose Geranium Oil (Organic)
    Botanical Name: Pelargonium graveolens var. roseum

    Fragrance Family: Floral
    Odor Description: Floral, rose, greranium, sweet

    CAS # 90082-51-2

  • Rose Oil, Bulgarian P&N **

    Rose Oil, Bulgarian P&N **

    Rose Essential oil from Bulgaria (100% Pure & Natural)
    Rosa damascena Mill. (aka "Rose Otto")
    Botanical family : Rosaceae

    Floral and Rosy - Top to Middle Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS TSCA : 8007-01-0

  • Rose Oil, Bulgarian P&N 10% **

    Rose Oil, Bulgarian P&N 10% **

    Rose Essential oil from Bulgaria (100% Pure & Natural) 10% in alcohol
    Rosa damascena Mill. (aka "Rose Otto")
    Botanical family : Rosaceae

    Floral and Rosy - Top to Middle Note

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    10% Rose Bulgaria - CAS # 8007-01-0
    90% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS #: 64-17-5

  • Rosemary (Tunisia) **

    Rosemary (Tunisia) **

    Rosemary (Tunisia) Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Rosmarinus officinalis

    Odor Profile: Aromatic, camphory, conifer, resinous

    Intended for use in: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS: 8000-25-7

  • Rosewood (Bois de Rose)

    Rosewood (Bois de Rose)

    Rosewood (Bois de Rose) Essential Oil Blend
    aniba rosaeodora oil reconstitution

    This is not a 100% pure product, however it is 100% natural made from oils and naturally occurring constitutes to resemble 100% pure rosewood and includes small amounts of true rosewood.

    Scent Profile: Sweet floral linalool woody

    CAS #: 8015-77-8

  • Saffron Oleoresin 5% MPG

    Saffron Oleoresin 5% MPG

    Saffron Oleoresin 5% MPG

    Crocus sativus l. flower oleoresin

    Fragrance Family: Gourmand

    Odor Description: Spicy, floral, dried flowers, herbaceous, fruity

    CAS #: Mixture:

    5% Saffron Oleoresin - CAS# 8022-19-3

    95% Monopropylene glycol (synthetic) - CAS # 57-55-6

  • Sage - Hungary

    Sage (Multi-Origin) **

    Odor Description: Thujone eucalyptus rosemary sage
    Contains 30% Thujone

    CAS#: 8022-56-8

  • Sandalwood India

    Sandalwood - Mysore

    Sandalwood Oil, Santalum Album

    Origin: South East India

    CAS #: 8006-87-9

  • Sandalwood (Australia)

    Sandalwood (Australia)

    Sandalwood (Australia) Essential Oil (100% Pure and Natural)
    Santalum spicatum

    Odor Description: Dry, soft, woody, balsam, sweet, myrrh, creamy

    CAS: 8024-35-9
    INCI: Santalum spicatum wood oil

  • Sandalwood (New Caledonia)

    Sandalwood (New Caledonia)

    Sandalwood (New Caledonia) Essential Oil (100% Pure and Natural)
    Santalum Austrocaledonicum

    Sweet, rich woody aroma. This Sandalwood essential oil from New Caledonia is an affordable and sustainable alternative to Indian sandalwood oils such as Sandalwood Mysore

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic


  • Scotch Pine

    Scotch Pine **

    Out of Stock

    Pinus sylvestris
    Odor Description: Earthy dry weedy green pine woody

    CAS#: 8023-99-2

  • Seaweed Absolute (50%) **

    Seaweed Absolute (50%) **


    Laminaria (Seaweed) Absolute (Biolandes # F0062) is a pure and natural product from the kelp plant which we dilute into 50% of Natural Benzyl Benzoate for ease of workability.

    This aromatic is salty, briny, and very reminiscent of the smell of the beach where waves are crashing on the rocks and the seaweed is being tousled around in the waves. This is a great ingredient to add a salty, pungent, green note to your fragrance, while also giving it the unique character of seaweed (kelp).

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    50% Seaweed Absolute - CAS # 1207666-16-7
    50% Benzyl Benzoate (Natural) - CAS #: 120-51-4

  • Siam Wood Oil **

    Siam Wood Oil **

    Siam Wood Essential Oil

    Fragrance Family: Woody
    Odor Description: Woody, balsam, opoponax, cedar, floral

    CAS #: 8022-47-7

  • Silver Fir Needle

    Silver Fir Needle Austria **

    Abies alba
    Odor Description: Fresh dry fir forest earthy woody

    CAS#: 8021-27-0

  • Spruce (Black) - EO (Canada) P&N **

    Spruce (Black) - EO (Canada) P&N **

    Black Spruce (Canada) Essential Oil
    Picea mariana

    This Black Spruce Essential Oil from Cedarome in Canada is a 100% Pure and Natural Essential Oil extracted via steam distillation. Its aroma is green and leafy with notes of geranium, pine, resin and hints of fruit, jam and vegetable

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy

    CAS: 91722-19-9

  • Styrax 50%

    Styrax (Liquidambar styraciflua) 50% Alc **

    Styrax Resin 50% in Alcohol from Honduras
    Liquidambar styraciflua

    Odor Description: Balsamic, woody, amber

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 1.5
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.30

    CAS #: Mixture:
    50% Styrax Resin - CAS# 91845-53-3
    50% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS# 64-17-5
  • Tagete EO - Africa (Multi-Origin) **

    Tagete EO - Africa (Multi-Origin) **


    Tagete Oil Essential Oil, Africa - Multi Origin (Biolandes)
    Tagetes minuta var. bipinata
    Botanical family: Tagetes minuta

    Method of culture: Conventional
    Part harvested: Flowers

    Odor Description: Sweet, fresh, floral and slightly fruity.
    Intended Use: Perfumery Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS TSCA: 8016-84-0

  • Tarragon

    Tarragon (Hungary) **

    Odor Description: Anise spice woody basil

    IFRA Suggested Maximum Use limit:

    • In Concentrate - 1.00
    • 20% Eau de Parfum - 0.20

    CAS#: 8016-88-4
  • Tea Tree (Australia) **

    Tea Tree (Australia) **

    Tea Tree Essential Oil (100% Pure & Natural)
    Melaleuca Alternifolia

    Tea tree is an evergreen tree native to Australia. It is characterized by long branches and narrow, slender, bright-green leaves. When Tea Tree is in bloom it is covered in white cotton-like flowers. Tea Tree is harvested in Australia's summer, which starts in December. Tea Tree essential oil is known for having an herbaceous and woody scent profile

    Intended Use: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS: 68647-73-4

  • Thyme (Red) - Spain **

    Thyme (Red) - Spain **

    Red Thyme Essential Oil from Spain
    Thymus zygis L..

    Spanish red thyme is a species closely related to common thyme, with which it is often confused. This spreading subshrub has woody,
    branched stems covered with small aromatic leaves that are grayish-green with rolled edges and a downy underside.
    Red Thyme Essential Oil has an agrestic, phenolic fragrance, characteristic of the thymol

    CAS: 8007-46-3

  • Thyme (White) P&N - France

    Thyme (White) P&N - France

    White Thyme Essential Oil from France
    Thymus vulgaris L.
    Botanical family: Lamiaceae

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8007-46-3

  • Timur Pepper Oil **

    Timur Pepper Oil **

    Timur Pepper Oil Fragrance Family: Spicy
    Odor Description: Spicy, Peppery

    CAS #: 91770-90-0

  • Tobacco Absolute

    Tobacco Absolute 5% in TEC Natural (Fragrance)

    This product is not FEMA GRAS and therefore is NOT intended as a flavoring ingredient for any form of internal use

    Odor Description: Sweet hay tobacco moss woody

    CAS#: Mixture:
    5% Tobacco Absolute - CAS# 8037-19-2
    95% Triethy Citrate (Natural) - CAS# 77-93-0

  • Tonka Bean (Absolute)

    Tonka Bean (Absolute)

    Tonka Bean Absolute (Venezuela)
    Dipterix Odorata

    This absolute is a blend of Tonka Beans from Venezuela and manufactured by Robertet

    NOTE: This product is a Crystalline Solid and requires gentle heating in a water bath to a workable consistency before dilution. Once melted, it can be diluted to a typical working dilution range of 10-50%, then reheated if necessary. Dilutions at the upper end of this range may recrystallize as they cool, but can be reheated in the water bath before use

    CAS#: 8024-04-2

  • Tonka Bean (Absolute) - 50% Alc **

    Tonka Bean (Absolute) - 50% Alc **

    Tonka Bean Absolute (Venezuela)
    Dipterix Odorata

    This is a 50% dilution of an absolute blend of Tonka Beans from Venezuela that is manufactured by Robertet.


    Although the Tonka Bean absolute has been diluted to 50%, this product will still crystallize / separate when cooled. To get the product back to a workable solution, place the (sealed) bottle in a bowl of hot water (from the tap is fine, not boiling) OR use a hot plate on a low setting until the crystals melt and the mixture falls back into solution.

    CAS #: (Mixture)
    50% Tonka Bean (Absolute) - CAS # 8024-04-2
    50% Ethyl Alcohol - CAS # 64-17-5

  • Tuberose Absolute

    Tuberose Absolute

    Tuberose Absolute (100% Pure & Natural)
    Polianthes tuberosa L.

    Odor Profile: Floral, orange flower, salicylic, spicy

    Intended for use in: Aromatherapy & Perfumery

    CAS#: 8024-05-03

  • Verbena Oil P&N **

    Verbena Oil P&N **


    This material is being discontinued. We will sell what we have left and offer it until it runs out. We will be offering Verbena Oil from Biolandes as a replacement.

    Verbena Essential oil from Morocco (100% Pure & Natural)
    Lippia citriodora Kunth
    Botanical family : Huile essentielle

    Herbaceous and Citral like

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8024-12-2

  • Vetiver

    Vetiver - Indonesia

    Vetivera zizanioides

    Odor Description: Woody earthy rooty balsam amber

    CAS#: 8016-96-4

  • Vetiver (Haiti)

    Vetiver (Haiti)

    Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash.

    Woody and Earthy

    Intended for use in: Perfumery, Aromatherapy, Cosmetic, Alimentary

    CAS: 8016-96-4

  • Vetiver Absolute

    Vetiver Absolute

    Vetiver Absolute (Indonesia)

    Fragrance Family: Earthy
    Odor Description: Sweet, Earthy, woody, balsam

    CAS # 8016-96-4

  • Violet Leaf (Absolute)

    Violet Leaf (Absolute)

     Violet Leaf Absolute

    Botanical Name: Viola odorata L.

    Fragrance Family: Green

    Odor Description: Green, oily, earthy, leafy, floral

    CAS # 8024-08-6
    FEMA # 3110

  • Wormwood

    Wormwood (USA)

    Artemisia absinthium

    Odor Description: Sweet herbal green coffee davana

    CAS#: 8008-93-3
    FEMA#: 3116

  • Lavender Fleurs (France)

    Ylang Ylang - Complete (Nosy Be)

    Ylang Ylang Complete Essential Oil from Nosy Be

    This essential oil from ROBERTET is the product of a long distillation process involving thousands of flowers

    CAS: 8006-81-3
    FEMA: 3119

  • Ylang Ylang (1st Fraction) Comoros

    Ylang Ylang (1st Fraction) Comoros

    Ylang Ylang (1st Fraction) Essential Oil
    Cananga odorata forma genuina (Lam.) Hook. F. & Thom (Baillon)

    Fragrance Family: Floral

    Odor Description: Flower petal, neroli, lily, sweet, slightly minty floral

    CAS #: 8006-81-3

  • Ylang Ylang (Extra) - Comoros

    Ylang Ylang (Extra) - Comoros

    Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

    Botanical Name: Cananga odorata var. genuina

    Odor Description: sweet, highly floral, unusual and multifaceted aroma with fruity, woody, and spicy/balsamic body notes and bright, ethereal top

    CAS #: 8006-81-3

  • Yuzu Oil - Cold Pressed (Spain) **

    Yuzu Oil - Cold Pressed (Spain) **

    Out of Stock

    Out of stock for undetermined amount of time.

    100% Pure & Natural Yuzu Essential Oil from Spain

    Appearance: Pale yellow to yellow liquid
    Odor Description: Citrus, bright, tart, sweet, green
    Yuzu Essential Oil offers longer staying power in a blend than most other citrus oils and does not dry out as quickly

    CAS # 233683-84-6
    INCI: Citrus Junos (Yuzu) Oil

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