Benzoin Resin (Pure)
Benzoin Resin (India)
Styrax tonkenensis
This product is in solid form, similar to the consistency of sharp rocks.
Benzoin resin is obtained from the bark of several species of trees in the genus Styrax. Benzoin is a common ingredient in incense-making and perfumery because of its sweet vanilla-like aroma and fixative properties.
CAS # 9000-05-9
Most odor descriptions come from the manufacturer and are subjective. Please purchase the smallest size if you are unfamiliar with the scent or purchasing for the first time as we cannot accept returns.
8g (0.28 oz)
$4.25 (USD)
30g (1.05 oz)
$7.00 (USD)
80g (2.82 oz)
$13.50 (USD)
250g (0.55 lb)
$36.00 (USD)