The Perfumer's Apprentice


  • Click on the Product name to view the specification information.

  • For information on Diacetyl, please read the Custard Notes article available in the Flavorist Corner

  • Click on "List" to view the product Component List (preliminary).
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PRODUCTS WITH CAS # 78-70-6 : linalool pure

Berry Mix Flavor SDS U.S List
Blueberry Candy Flavor (PG) SDS U.S List
Blueberry Candy Flavor (Triacetin) SDS U.S List
Cherry Blossom (PG) SDS U.S List
Chili Mango Flavor SDS U.S List
Cinnamon Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Cola Cherry Flavor SDS U.S List
Cranberry Sauce Flavor SDS U.S List
Dragonfruit Flavor SDS U.S List
DX Peach (Juicy) Flavor SDS U.S List
Earl Grey Tea Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Elderberry Flavor SDS U.S List
Fruit Circles With Milk Flavor SDS U.S List
Grape Soda Flavor SDS U.S List
Hawaiian Drink Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Honeysuckle Flavor (PG) SDS U.S List
Jamaican Rum Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Lychee Flavor SDS U.S List
Mango Flavor SDS U.S List
Musk Candy Flavor SDS U.S List
Nectarine Flavor SDS U.S List
Orange Mandarin Flavor SDS U.S List
Papaya Flavor SDS U.S List
Papaya II Flavor SDS U.S List
Passion Orange Guava Flavor SDS U.S List
Peach (Juicy) Flavor SDS U.S List
Pear Flavor SDS U.S List
Peppermint Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Pomegranate Flavor SDS U.S List
Quince Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Rainbow Sherbet Flavor SDS U.S List
Raspberry Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Silly Rabbit Cereal Flavor SDS U.S List
Swedish Gummy Flavor SDS U.S List
Sweet and Tart Flavor SDS U.S List