The Perfumer's Apprentice


  • Click on the Product name to view the specification information.

  • For information on Diacetyl, please read the Custard Notes article available in the Flavorist Corner

  • Click on "List" to view the product Component List (preliminary).
Search on CAS #:

PRODUCTS WITH CAS # 123-51-3 : isoamyl alcohol

Absinthe Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Banana Cream Flavor SDS U.S List
Banana Nut Bread Flavor SDS U.S List
Berry Cereal Flavor SDS U.S List
Boysenberry Deluxe Flavor SDS U.S List
Cherry Extract Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Dark Rum Flavor SDS U.S List
DX Banana Cream SDS U.S List
DX Jamaican Rum Flavor SDS U.S List
Ginger Ale Flavor (NF) SDS U.S List
Ginger Ale Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Guava Flavor SDS U.S List
Hpno II Flavor SDS U.S List
Hpno Type Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Irish Cream II Flavor SDS U.S List
Kentucky Bourbon Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Mojito Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Mojito Havana Flavor SDS U.S List
Passion Orange Guava Flavor SDS U.S List
Peach Flavor SDS U.S List
Pear Candy Flavor SDS U.S List
Pie Crust Flavor SDS U.S List
Quince Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Raspberry (Sweet) Flavor SDS U.S List
Ripe Banana Flavor ** SDS U.S List
Swedish Gummy Flavor SDS U.S List