The Perfumer's Apprentice


  • Click on the Product name to view the specification information.

  • For information on Diacetyl, please read the Custard Notes article available in the Flavorist Corner

  • Click on "List" to view the product Component List (preliminary).
Search on CAS #:

PRODUCTS WITH CAS # 22047-25-2 : Pyrazine <2-acetyl->

Acetyl Pyrazine 5 PG SDS U.S List
Bitter Nut Extra Flavor SDS U.S List
Cheesecake Flavor (Graham Crust) SDS U.S List
DK Tobacco Base Flavor ** SDS U.S List
DK Tobacco II Flavor SDS U.S List
DX Peanut Butter Flavor SDS U.S List
Fruit Circles With Milk Flavor SDS U.S List
Honey Circles Cereal Flavor SDS U.S List
Lucky Leprechaun Cereal Flavor SDS U.S List
Peanut Butter Flavor SDS U.S List
Popcorn Flavor SDS U.S List
Red Type Blend SDS U.S List
Taro Flavor SDS U.S List
Western II Flavor SDS U.S List